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It's time for #2 on the Mini Blog Series 'Iconic Pop Culture' where I showcase those I find inspirational from Madonna's Blond Ambition Tour Team. Well, those that said "Yes" and followed through!

It’s been 34 years that I have been familiar with Carlton Wilborn from working with Madonna and following what he has been up to since the Blond Ambition World Tour 1990. From dancer, chorographer, author, actor to a life coach. It's safe to say that Carlton has done a lot! So, for the Facebook Group Your Scene, I think it's time I ask some questions regarding these iconic moments in pop culture.
Hi Carlton, Thanks for agreeing to this interview!! here is the thing, I was not a fan of Madonna until I saw the Blond Ambition Tour broadcast on UK TV. I was 12 and seeing this concert at that age became an impressionable moment for me and many fans. Madonna obviously had her own fanbase then, when the Truth or Dare / In Bed with Madonna Documentary was released and I got the VHS (remember those vintage things?), fans like me also became interested in the dancers and singers involved in the show. We saw you all as a 'Team'. A door had opened, not only setting the tone for reality TV in the years that followed but also, to set an example to many of us on how to accept ourselves and be 'different'. Seeing you all be so expressive gave me and thousands of teenagers the go-ahead to defiantly be ourselves and give a middle finger to those who bullied or oppressed us in some way.
A Blond Ambition
Jonny - 1990, after turning down pre-booked work for a Whitney Houston tour to work with Madonna, we see you performing tirelessly in The Blond Ambition Tour. How did you feel during rehearsals for this tour when the themes became apparent? For example, back in those days, even in many “modern” countries, sexuality, or any kind of “outside the box” individuality was a taboo (unfortunately it still is in many countries). So, to see you and the rest of Team Blond Ambition perform so confidently, did you sense during rehearsals that it would be a new era for pop concerts and cause such a media frenzy?
Carlton - Honestly, I felt pretty comfortable throughout it all, especially because I realized early on that M, knew what I was about, so she cast me exactly the ways I wanted to be.
And No...there was no way any of us could see what it all turned into.
Jonny – Speaking of a frenzy, did it feel rebellious knowing you all could have been arrested in Toronto for what was deemed as “lewd and obscene behaviour” and then in Italy when the Pope condemned the show leading to cancellations?
Carlton - Are you kidding me...absolutely it did. "So much controversy...oh my god!"
Jonny – How did you maintain your stamina for such physically demanding chorography for almost 2 hours at every show, as well as the travelling?
Carlton - Well we had about 3 months of rehearsals, and time to train and get your stamina up.
Jonny – What was your favourite and least favourite segment to perform in during the shows? For example, what felt most fun and expressive or the most gruelling of routines.
Carlton - Most fun...shooting the interviews and BTS (behind the scenes) moments with M for the documentary Truth or Dare. Most… hands down that would be from the religious section of that tour. From the straight up dancing, immediately into me needed to be balanced and calmed down enough to be her pillar of strength for almost every number.
An Act of Contrition with Carlton Wilborn during the Religious section of the Blond Ambition Tour!
Jonny – After the Blond Ambition Tour and Truth or Dare, did you find it strange that fans began to follow your career and that it was no longer just about Madonna? Especially in the days when there was no reality TV or Instagram.
Carlton - Not so much for me, because I had already been the lead dancer for the premier dance company in Chicago, and got introduced to some of that weirdness. I understood that part and of being an entertainer.
Jonny – How did you really feel when you first saw the screening of Truth or Dare when you are introduced to a larger commercial audience. Did you feel any vulnerability about this?
Carlton - I felt totally fine about it all...everything I did in the different numbers, and how I represented myself.
The Girlie Show

Jonny – You hit the road again with Madonna in 1993 for the Girlie Show World Tour with a leading role. A conceptually different show. More of a touring cabaret. Madonna trusted your talent and professional experience to run the dance auditions. What was it you where looking for in the dancers for this tour and could you be upfront with Madonna if you did not like a decision?
Carlton - Yayyy fresh questions!
We wanted to find the folks, and dancers that were the balls out, yet a refined kind of performer. Someone who focused, yet relaxed and able to be playful. She and I never had a specific conversation about it, but her brand was pretty clear to the world, so folks knew what level of game they needed to bring.
Jonny – As fans we see you elevate from beneath the stage and break into a sophisticated routine for Fever. Fans are happy to see you back looking strong and fierce (those boots are amazing). How was it to rise and feel the crowd’s reactions?
Carlton - Ohhhh Fever...yes, that was always fun to do. Nice to feel the roar of the crowd, the way they do, once they finally see the Men showing up.
Why's it So Hard Carlton?
Jonny - We find ourselves captivated with an intensely simulated after-disco orgy amongst all the dancers and Madonna to a song about liberation “Why’s it So Hard”. It not only shook the stadiums but also the media. How was it rehearsing this for the performance with such an overtly sexual tone? Did you all have a laugh or think “oh this may be a bit too much or is it ok to touch you there”? I need to add that this is one of my favourite performances from the show with all the dancers joyfully coming together and the message behind it. Madonna, Donna, Niki and you are on the stage alone at the end and fans loved it.
Carlton - Haha...that final moment , at the top of the stage, with the three ladies....Yea...that was a Fav moment for me.
Of course the rehearsal process was tricky and crazy...but, a mash up of artists, with the permission to loosen up and be free...I Will Say No More! lol
Jonny – For the interlude you got to perform Beast Within as the main dancer. A strenuous 8 minutes of high energy dancing, lifting and throwing about another male dancer. How the hell do you reboot behind the stage for your next routine?
Carlton - OMG Beast as I called it...was a bitch to recover from. I mean fuuuk Chris Childers, my partner, and awesome buddy, was just about my size, so those 8-9 minutes were no joke!. I was elected to do the Beast, and I loved that, because being the bad guy or the nut job gives you so much freedom to explore with.
Jonny – So, I need to ask. We as fans have never seen you with Madonna again. Did you just drift apart while working on other projects?
Carlton - She and I were great partners, and we had a great run together. Nearly 10 years - with a mix of 4 different events, including the commercial.
Jonny - We never got to see the Nike commercial, I am surprised it has not leaked online!!
Jonny – Have you been to or watched any Madonna concert since parting ways? If so, which one are you impressed at?
Carlton - Honestly, I've only seen her once, and that was for the most recent tour Madame X. Kevin, Luis and I went when she was at the Wiltern Theatre.
Jonny – The Madame X era has has been an album and tour that had fans divided. I had never seen such a divide over a Madonna project. People would get into rows within fan groups over people disliking it. Your own thoughts?
Carlton - I love so much of it! Come on dude...if any one's really a Madonna supporter, REALLY...and Really Get Her...then they should appreciate this album.
Jonny - I'm really not sure what I think about that era and the whole promotion around it. Sorry Madonna Super fans!
Jonny – You follow Madonna on Instagram. Is she the same person you were once close to? Fans are divided about her Instagram posts.
Carlton - She is compelling ain't she!? Ohhh she's the same in a lot of ways, and then distinctly different in that she feels authentically much freer now. Especially in her shows.
The Brit Awards Tumble

Jonny – Did you see Madonna fall on live TV at the Brit Awards during Living for Love? If so, how did you feel by knowing her? As fans, we know she is such a perfectionist and it shook everyone. Thankfully, she got back up and continued like a trouper.
Carlton - Oh, yes, the fall...A couple of TV media outlets reached out to me for my comments. And I feel the same as I did then, It's A Fukin Shame that not a one of those dancers moved to support her fall or check on her once she was down. Yes, you're performing and all, but there's still a way to do that. That's not the way we were about her! I'll say no more...
Let's get Deeper and Deeper

Carlton has lived a full life with many good experiences but not without many challenges along the way.
Jonny – In 1985 you were diagnosed HIV positive. At that stigmatic point in time you understandably decided not to disclose your status, which was your choice. How did you feel having to hold all this in, especially during a time when medication was not as advanced as today?
Carlton - Interesting that I'm getting to answer this question now in my life. At that time I only went into and kept my focus on thriving in spite of it. But, being in relation to a fear of dying, that has only come to the surface of my thoughts over the past couple months.
Jonny – Madonna was a large activist for HIV and AIDs and would reference that within her shows. Did Madonna’s supportive words onstage, help motivate you too, that you are not alone?
Carlton - No not at all...mainly because I, myself, was not, at all, at ease about it, and so I truly couldn't trust that anybody else was.
Jonny – There was obviously a fire of stubbornness within you to continue working and pushing your body to the limits on tours. Was there anyone you could confide in on tour such as, Madonna?
Carlton - Not about that. No.
Jonny – Yourself and Salim Gauwloos (Slam) won the ARCW 2017 Courage Award in 2017 (AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin) . Now, 2 handsome matured and humble men speak their truth. How did receiving this award feel?
Carlton - Oh that was a beautiful moment. I felt deserving and humbled.
Jonny – What message would you like to give to my readers who may be struggling or know someone who is struggling with their new status?
Carlton - Most importantly...find someone you can confide in. Also, remember what you're made of, and how much of a winner you are, and have been.

Jonny – Here you are in the present and a very fit & healthy handsome man. What lifestyle choices have you changed to ensure you maintain good health these days?
Carlton - Ohhh yes...first and foremost, cleanses. I do usually 3 a year.
Jonny - What is your workout technique these days to keep your mind and body in good shape?
Carlton - I like to mix up my exercise moments, because the shake it up strategy is good and critical for optimum brain power ability.
Jonny – You wrote and self-published your book Front & Center - How I Learned to Live There in 2007. It won a best book award. What inspired you to do this project that would reveal all your life?
Carlton - That book is what I call my 'getting free'. I needed to call-a-spade-a spade about all the things and people, including myself, that marginalized me. I guess I hoped it would give me a fresh start, if I could purge it all in some way.
Jonny – You also moved into acting, starring in NCIS, Breakout, The Mentalist and many more. Is this something we may see you do more going forward?
Carlton - There's a very special project that I'm making some moves with. Can't say much yet...but it's gonna be good!
Jonny - Life Coaching (is there anything you don’t do?), what inspired you to go in this direction and for anyone needing a bit of support, what can you offer them online?
Carlton - What inspired me?...Not wanting anyone to go through the things and feelings I have.
Yes, I actually spent several months in 2020, and because Covid had so much shut down, I got my coaching program fully established as a an online program. It's proving to be such an effective system.
If any of your readers want more engagement with me and my life enhancing work, they can start by clicking the link below, to get my 3 Key Tips To Living Empowered:
If they want to go deeper they can get themselves booked on my Calendly for a 30 minute consultation:
Let’s wind down this interview with some Rapid Fire questions:
Jonny – What does a romantic night in for Carlton look like?
Carlton - Margaritas and/or a nice Red Blend, a movie and some yummy chow.
Jonny – I’ve put Northern Ireland on your bucket list of places to visit. Are we going for a coffee or a drink?
Carlton - Come on now...I'm game!
Jonny - Good, then we can recreate the Fever dance routine!!
Jonny – Do you ever look at todays pop artists and think “we did that 30 years ago”? Can you see the influence Madonna has had on other artists?
Carlton - I do, and it's nice to see and realize what our contribution, to this thing called life, has been. Like a proud papa!
Jonny – Will we ever see you and Team Blond Ambition back together again for a project? We are requesting it!!
Carlton - Riiiight... how fun would that be! I don't know anything about that, but I'm game!!
Jonny – What music are you into these days?
Carlton - Oh I'm sooo about celebrating my chocolate tribe...my most recent downloads were Ciara's 'Rooted' and Kelly Rowland's new, fukin amazing track and sexy ass video called 'Hitman'.
Jonny – Your skin is flawless!! What's your secret?
Carlton - Oh...the face...I'm all about facial steams. Pot of water, towel over head and hang there for about 3-5 min.
Jonny - Sounds like this would save me a fortune!
Thank you, Carlton, for this interview. We look forward to seeing what you do next.
Until next time,
Bye Daddy (reference to the Girlie Show)
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